Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Amazing Race

(aka trying to force it)

Ok say something interesting.
How can I when Voula is passed out on the couch? (to Voula) Isn't it hard to contribute when you're horizontal?
You're trying too hard to be scripted. Quoted I mean. This candy is pretty.
(drops candy)
Don't put it in your mouth.
I'll give it to you.
It's already been in my mouth. I have put every single one in my mouth, spat it out and blowdried it. That one should taste like bacon.
Too many blondes on this show (The Amazing Race).
Are we being too quiet?
I really have nothing to talk about. I did all my bitching and complaining on the streetcar.
What about praising?
Who can I praise... Ooh - I just farted. (to Voula) Hey is this your favourite blanket? Ooh I'm so gross... stall number one at my office was blocked up again.
You clogged the toilet?
Someone else did. The toilet paper was completely saturated. You know when, it's all, like, chocolately? It's so hard to go when all you can smell is poo. And when you leave the door open you smell it in the hall.... Also, the sculptor down the hall doesn't wash after she goes!
You can't just force this. It's organic.
No - this is blogging laxative.
It is verbal diarrhea. My tongue hurts.
Maybe it's from all that rum you drank today. (to flavio) You didn't say anything.

I just did.
Are you actually posting this?


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