Friday, November 18, 2005

Sunday Dinner

Dear Z,
I know this isn't part of the deal, and I also hope this doesn't fuck up the results of your project, but how about this: IF you do not manage to gross us (there are 3 of us) out, then NOT ONLY will you have to watch us eat (you may drink wine, of course) BUT YOU WILL ALSO be asked to pose for my roommate's website (completely tasteful, I promise you). He's always looking for more Punshines. We've exhausted every possiblity in our social network.
I have assured my roommates that you will only be telling us things to try and gross us out, and not doing things (ie. tossing your friend's salad at the dinner table while toepainting with mayo). Please let me know if that is not the case -- and I won't tell them.
Look forward to hearing from you

L ^_^

My shtick is entirely verbal, I assure you.
I agree to your demands. What time do you expect us, and where?

V: Aw man, this is going to be good. I feel bad that she’s going to go hungry.


Blogger Monsieur Bonhomme said...

yes that is an excellent idea. a punderful one in fact.

11/20/2005 12:12 AM  
Blogger Mariza said...

As if anyone could gross us out.
Score, Chateau Nice: 1 World: Nil

11/21/2005 5:29 PM  

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